
SST Booster Club

Do you want to join the other
great fans out there & receive
all of the Booster Club e-mails
regarding all of the "Slap Shot"
fun we have going on?

Click here to join!

Toe Blake's website

Please visit my buddy
Ken "Toe" Blake's
Ultimate Slap Shot fan website!

"Toons on Ice"

Great hockey toons featuring

the talent of cartoonist
Michael Fischer

"Slap Shot" MySpace site

Please click on the MySpace
logo above to go to a great
"Slap Shot" MySpace page
created by superfan
Rich Orth!

SST Headlines

"Old Time Hockey, like Eddie Shore, Dit Clapper, & Toe Blake"

"Those guys were the greats!"

- Coach Reggie Dunlop

SST Headlines

Charlie (the Chiefs trainer) indicted for steroid distribution. Hanson's deny knowingly using; claim they were "only injecting grape or orange soda"...

Ghost of George Roy Hill blamed for haunting Universal executive that tossed around idea of a Slap Shot 3 straight to the bargain bin movie...

NHLPA agrees to perform weekly fashion shows and to recycle used
jock straps in order to end lockout..

Former Gilda's Cut 'n Curl employee Francine Dunlop beaten to death
after telling a client that she
could look like Cher...

Son of Jackie St. Pierre arrested for drunk driving; claims "it's genetic" during court hearing...

Michael McCambridge buys 50%
stake in Big Al's Gay Boat Ride...

Headlines Archive

Slap Shot Stat Shot
You Might Be A Complete Loser If You...
...recite "Give me a grape and an orange and none a that stinkin' root beer" every time you walk down the soda aisle at the supermarket.
...jacked up your minivan in tribute to Reg's hot rod.
...refer to your car keys as "keys to the camper".
...have ever seen a fight break out 10 rows down and said "If I was down there, I'd be standing up to them!"
...have spent God knows how many hours making a tribute site to a 30+ year old movie.

...you waste your time reading
garbage like this.

Contact Us
"Slap Shot Garbage Dump"

Best place for anyone to store all of this
cinematic and literary garbage!

Goldie Goldthorpe was the inspiration!

At the 1st Annual "Slap Shot" Golf Tournament
to benefit the Association of Hole in the Wall Camps,
writer Nancy Dowd acknowledged Goldie Goldthorpe
as her inspiration for her screenplay which was
originally entitled "Hat Trick"

Goldie Goldthorpe official website

Click on the Goldie Goldthorpe bobblehead above
to order official Goldie merchandise

We now know that if it wasn't for the exploits of
Goldie Goldthorpe, there wouldn't be any
"Old Time Hockey!"

By the way, Nancy's original title of "Hat Trick"
was later changed to "Slap Shot"

We're MAD for charity!

I am pleased to announce that you can now order any &
all of your Slap Shot related items thru my website!

My good friends at MAD Brothers will process &
ship your orders AND donate 15% of all the
sales done thru this site to charity!!

Please click on the Slap Shot team jerseys below
to go
directly to their online store!

All jerseys are also available unsigned!!

Having problems finding love? Need help with the ladies? Well, fear no more, our resident pervert, Moe, will provide answers to your questions and you'll be getting snatch by the pool in no time!
Dickie captures the spirit of society as he takes on various topics.  And you know if he wrote it, it must be true!
Test your Slap Shot knowledge against these questions and win a trip to Honolulu!  Just kidding.
Come take a stroll down memory lane with some of the fellas and see if they still have it or if they've turned into a bunch of pussies.

Now Featuring:
Yvon Barrette a.k.a. Denis Lemieux
Check out our versions of the logos of the Federal League teams.  Most logos in the movie were typographical, so you'll have to use your imagination, that's what we did!

The biggest piece of crap movie ever produced! The only thing this DVD is barely good enough for is a drink coaster.

A Baldwin brother in a Slap Shot movie?
Even our beloved Joe McGrath wouldn't cook
up a shitty PR scheme this awful!

"Jean-Guy, Jean-Guy, change the channel! Changez la Canal!" This is the place for stuff, as the exercise lady says, that is way, waaaaay up there!
A collection of Slap Shot promotional material from around the world. We're still searching for the Chiefs key ring that wasn't available in stores, though.
The place to go for any newbies that want to learn all about the greatest film ever produced.
Lost your job down at the mill? Attempting to become one with the universe? Save yourself a trip to the local religious record store, we got it here! You'll find these words a tremendous help!
Old Time Hockey!